Sports Quiz was a great Success- £470!

2011 March 12

Created by alan glynn 9 years ago
The Sports Quiz at the Abbotsford Lounge Bar in Craigie was a smashing success, a fun night out and we made £470! Thanks very much to Chick and Peggie who own the pub and ran the event so well and thanks to everyone who came along to support us! Anne, thanks so much for babysitting so Alan and I could both attendxxx My head is still a wee bit sore but the chips and cheese on the way home definitely helped. The quiz kicked off with a Name the Teddy competition, £1 a go. I thought maybe Prince Rupert the Third? Everyone was racking their brains with suggestions like Starlight and a Huggability, you could almost see dust coming out of our ears and all the time it was "Paddy." Bit more obvious when you think St Patricks Day is around the was really good fun. For the main event there were 15 teams, we were so pleased with the turnout. Alan's sisters, Rosie, Tracy and Angela and me were The Experts and we did pretty well but this was mainly due to The Pensioners sitting next to us and their secret weapon, my Uncle Bill...There was an exciting tie over the Beermat question and some Fab top prizes, like £40 voucher for food and drinks at The Lovat, free meal for 4 from China China, River Island vouchers and vouchers for the health suite at the swimming pool. Some lovely people even returned their prizes out of goodwill so if you come along to our Race Night in May you may be lucky enough to win one. The night concluded with a few drinks and we can't wait for our next event, which will be Whistlebinkies Superheroes Party on April 2nd in Stirling. Hopefully Alan can still fit into his She-ra outfit after all the training he's been doing recently. The £470 will go into our fund next week.